RJG, Inc.

3111 Park Drive
Traverse City, MI 49686-4713

About RJG, Inc.

RJG is an international company focused on assisting companies who use or make plastic parts where quality is absolutely critical. Demanding markets, such as medical devices, automotive systems, drug delivery devices, electronics and packaging, use plastic parts in roles paramount to a product’s success.

RJG works with injection molders and device manufacturers to identify problems and develop strategies which can guarantee absolute quality of critical plastic components. Improving the quality of plastic parts reduces liability and costs. RJG offers both scientific molding products and training to help accomplish this.

This guarantee is built on advanced polymer flow analysis, sensor based data from instrumented processes (cavity pressure and temperature), advanced statistical techniques, unsurpassed process knowledge and the industry standard for scientific molding training. We work to establish robust correlations between part quality and real time data.

Competitors of RJG, Inc.

Intricon Corporation

Intricon Corporation

Intricon has led medical device innovation for over 45 years, delivering miniaturized, sensor-driven solutions. From precision molding and electromagnetic surgical navigation to medical assembly and packaging, our end-to-end support accelerates commercialization, reducing time-to-market and... Read More

HITEC offers design and manufacture of custom integrated force, load, torque and pressure sensors for the medical industry. Combined with unique in-situ conditions such as temperature, pressure, extraneous loads, etc. our experience using fiber optic, semi-conductor, foil and free filament... Read More

PRIAMUS System Technologies, a Barnes Molding Solutions company is the only company in the world providing automatic melt front detection based process control solutions for the injection molding industry. This technology is used to balance multi-cavity molds, prevent over packing or flashing of... Read More

Products by RJG, Inc.

By RJG, Inc.

The eDART System™ helps you gain control over the two greatest variables in injection molding: People and plastic. Today's eDART lets you tailor the technology to suit your needs. But all eDART configurations have one thing in common: They provide the tools you need to go from good to... Read more »

By RJG, Inc.

RJG offers the only digital cavity pressure sensing technology in the industry. When the right sensor is paired with our eDART™ process control system, molders get a window into what's happening inside the mold with each process. Exclusive Lynx™ digital technology makes RJG sensors easier to... Read more »